Sunday, May 18, 2008

Walked for 45 minutes with Malinda this morning.

Yesterday, drove to Mom's and parked. Then walked to Beth Shalom. Rode with Vicki to Panera for lunch, then walked from Panera to mom's.

No crazy eating today; that's progress.

Abby's new and very restrictive diet may help me as well.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I've lost 14 pounds since the beginning of January, and I can see after the California vacation last week that I need to CHANGE MY ROUTINE in order to lose more. Much more walking. Sue and I walked each morning for exercise last week, and then walked all day at Disneyland etc. So I lost 7 pounds last week.

I ate candy corn and a piece of cobbler this week, and they were just not necessary. I don't want to be crazy, but neither do I want to fall back into unhealthy patterns.

I have to look up and find some 0 points snacks!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I walked for a half-hour with Malinda this morning. I walked for 20 minutes tonight with Sadie. I am religiously recording food on I ate pizza for dinner tonight and that was too many points. Otherwise I am doing OK with that system.

I am taking it seriously. I do not want to die young. Or at this point, to die middle-aged! The death of one of my dearest friends, Kit, at age 52 from a heart attack saddened me, but it also shocked me into action, more serious action.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Although I have a sore throat, coughing, chills and aches all over, I have done a couple of things to get the New Year started right. (Jordie had to work today taking care of his elderly clients and left a very kind message this morning on the charming little ceramic message board that the Bensons gave to us: "Sadie is walked and fed.") It was great of him to take care of the morning dog routine, because that is my I wrote a note for the front door and sent email messages to several mom friends, asking that they not take their daughters home (from the New Year's Eve overnight with several girls) until the downstairs was cleaned up...I also loaded and ran the dishwasher and cleaned out the sink, made myself breakfast. THEN I went to the computer and signed up for Weightwatchers. I am also going to join Ann Smith's support group for losing weight. This is the semester for getting it together on this weight thing. I am heavier right now than I have ever been, and I think that accountibility is the answer. It is all too easy for me to fool myself. Time to change!

Monday, October 09, 2006

OK. Malinda and I did not walk yesterday. But we were both so tired from staying up late at Lotus the night before! I did, however, walk for 45 minutes with Sue on Thursday night. And I have been, pretty successfully, avoiding junk food.

I had a few ginger snaps with milk Friday night, but during the day completely avoided eating a candy bar, although the day was fraught with being really busy and extra stuff due to election time! So, avoiding candy-bar comfort was an accomplishment!

And, through the weekend, I was pretty good about food, too. When I had dinner with Mom, they had blueberry pie for dessert, and as soon as I took a bite, I realized that I did not even need or want that! So I did not eat it.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Tuesday, 26 Sept. 2006

OK! I walked last night for a half-hour with Sue Shifron and Karen Franks. We walked from our house up to Moore's Pike, around and through Renwick and home.

And I have a quinoa and broccoli cassarole for left-over lunch, along with a package of jellos to share with Malinda. She is coming over for lunch to walk and eat in our cafeteria.

Things are looking up!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thursday, 31 August

Breakfast: Eggs, toast, salad, tea
Lunch: Pizza, salad
OK, 2 chocolate cupcakes, too

Dinner: Toast, hard-boiled egg, tea

Cup of hot chocolate

Had Jordie drop me off at the Radio/TV building so I could attend 9th District debate (invited as HT guest). After the debate, I walked home. Took exactly one hour -- a beautiful walk!